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Aspen Valley Hospital
0401 Castle Creek Road
Aspen, CO 81611

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Aspen Valley Hospital
0401 Castle Creek Road
Aspen, CO 81611

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FAQs - Safety and Security

Quality of Care & Patient Safety

All AVH employees are required to wear a photo identification badge while on duty. Badges include the employee’s photograph, name, department, and the hospital logo. If someone refuses to show you identification, please let your nurse know immediately.

Infections pose serious risk to patients who are already ill or undergoing surgery and can lengthen a patient’s hospital stay. Infection control means taking active measures to prevent illness in people receiving—or giving—care in hospitals. You will see employees, and sometimes visitors, wearing masks, cover-gowns, eye protection, and gloves. Handwashing is the most important means of infection prevention.

Standard precautions are used with all patients. This means treating everyone’s blood and other body fluids as infectious—at all times. Added precautions may be used for patients who have certain known, or suspected, contagious illnesses.

Medications you take while in the hospital are prescribed by your doctor, dispensed by the hospital pharmacy, and administered by a nurse. Please be sure to notify your doctor or nurse of all medications you take at home, including herbals, vitamins, and prescription drugs. Your doctor may write an order allowing you to administer these on your own.

Wheelchairs are available on all nursing units, but getting in and out of them without assistance may be hazardous. Please ask for help from a member of the hospital staff.

Cigarettes and smoking materials are not sold at AVH, and smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the hospital. Your nurse can direct you or your visitors to designated smoking areas outside the hospital.

Yes, our facility has diligent processes in place to assure national and regulatory safety goals are met, including “correct site” surgery protocols. If you have any concerns, please call 970.544.1100, and let your nurse know. Also, please follow the fall prevention guidelines as outlined by your nurse.

To keep our staff well trained in unusual emergency situations, AVH conducts fire and disaster drills on a regular basis. Please don’t be alarmed when your door is closed during one of these practice drills. This is standard hospital procedure. You will not be asked to leave your room or participate in the drill. If a real emergency were to occur, staff members would keep patients and visitors informed and assist as necessary.

Patients are asked not to bring items of value to the hospital. If you do bring a valuable item, it should be deposited in the hospital safe. You will be given a written receipt for all items, which must be presented when you withdraw them. The hospital does not accept responsibility for items of value unless they are deposited in the safe. If you lose something, please notify your nurse immediately, and we will make every effort to help you find it. Unclaimed articles are turned in to the Security Department. To inquire about lost articles, call 970.544.1339.