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Diet & Nutrition

What Vitamins Should I Take Daily?

The Most Essential Daily Vitamins for Men & Women

The turn of the new year often marks a renewed commitment to health and wellness. It’s a great time to take stock of current habits and how we can supplement our nutrition and exercise programs to maximize what we get out of them, leading to lifelong better health. When it comes to vitamins, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Here’s a quick summary of what the most important vitamins do for us, how you can get them through daily nutrition, and when to consider supplementing if you can’t. For a more in-depth understanding, it’s also worth talking with Aspen Valley Hospital’s Nutritionist Services team.


Vitamin A

What does Vitamin A do?

Vitamin A is a hearty vitamin that does quite a bit for our overall health, including:

– Helps fight infection

– Maintains healthy eyesight

– Contributes to skin health by fighting off free radicals

– Makes bones and teeth stronger

– Contributes to organ health


Green Vegetables Vitamin a


How much Vitamin A do I need a day?

According to, the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) for Vitamin A is—listed in micrograms (mcg) of Retinol Activity Equivalents:

– Adult men: 900 mcg RAE

– Adult women: 700 mcg RAE

– Pregnant women: 770 mcg RAE

– Breastfeeding women: 1,300 mcg RAE

How can I get Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy, green leafy veggies, cantaloupe, apricots, and fortified cereals. If you’re worried about getting enough, discuss taking a supplement with your primary care provider.


Vitamin B

What does Vitamin B do?

There are eight B Vitamins, with two that get the most attention being B6 and B12. These powerhouse B vitamins can:

– Aid cognitive health and brain function

– Maintain healthy metabolism

– Lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) & increase HDL (good cholesterol)

– Contribute to blood cell production & a healthy nervous system

– Reduce risk of heart disease & stroke

– Help healthy liver function


Vitamin B Food Source


How much Vitamin B do I need a day? recommends the following daily amounts for B6 and B12:

For Women:
– B-6 (adults 19 – 50): 1.3 mg
– B-12: 2.4 mcg

For Men:
– B-6 (adults 19 – 50): 1.3 mg
– B-12: 2.4 mcg

How can I get Vitamin B?

Vitamin B is easy to find in wholesome, healthy, hearty foods such as eggs, legumes, seeds, nuts, whole grains, breads and pastas (non-refined), lean meats, poultry, and fish.


Vitamin C

What does Vitamin C do?

Vitamin C’s biggest claim to fame is its ability to potentially bolster our immune systems, helping protect us against common viruses.

It also contributes to skin and tissue health, can strengthen bones and teeth, and can help your body absorb iron.


Oranges Sunlight for Vitamin C


How much Vitamin C do I need a day?

The Vitamin C RDA for women is 75 milligrams and 90 milligrams for men.

How can I get Vitamin C?

An easy way to remember where to get your Vitamin C is “C stands for citrus.” Citrus fruits are an excellent source of this important vitamin.



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Vitamin D

What does Vitamin D do?

Think of Vitamin D as your multi-faceted vitamin, working on a variety of different levels within your body. It helps:

– Bone health

– Nervous system functions

– Calcium absorption

– Immune system function


Salmon Vitamin D

How much Vitamin D do I need a day?

Unlike some of the other vitamins listed here, Vitamin D can be a little trickier to get from our daily diet. It’s worth talking to your primary care provider about a daily supplement, especially if you live in a climate that lacks sun during certain times of the year. recommends that adults 19 – 70 years old get 15 mcg (600 IU) of Vitamin D per day.

How do I get Vitamin D?

In addition to supplements and multivitamins, Vitamin D can be found in cheese, egg yolks, fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, milk, and fortified cereals. An easy way to get your recommended daily dose is simply spending a little bit of time in the sun. Just 10 to 20 minutes outside in the sunlight can provide your daily dose.


Vitamin E

What does Vitamin E do?

Vitamin E helps protect our cells from free radicals, which are like pollution for our bodies.

– Boosts the immune system

– Helps prevent blood clots

– Contributes to skin and hair health


Spinach Vitamins you should take


How much Vitamin E do I need a day? recommends 15 milligrams per day for people 14 years and older.

How can I get Vitamin E?

Hearty leafy greens such as Swiss chard and spinach are a great way to get Vitamin E. Additional sources are foods containing healthy fats like nuts and seeds.


Working our way toward a healthier and more balanced diet can take work. Fortunately, Aspen Valley Hospital’s Dietitian Demos take the guesswork out of it. Start the new year off right with a tutorial on Debunking Fad Diets and Clean Eating or other educational class on how to get the right amount of vitamins for you in your diet!
