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Family Wellness

Kids’ Craft Corner: Step-by-step Terrarium Garden

Bring nature inside by using this step-by-step guide to making a terrarium mini-garden. It’s the perfect summer project for kids and adults alike. All you need is a glass container, rocks and charcoal, soil and plants. Let’s get started!


  • Glass container — Use one with a small opening or lid to hold in moisture and warmth.
  • Rocks Choose marble-sized stones for small containers.
  • Activated charcoal This filters the water and helps prevent fungus.
  • Potting soil Be sure it’s sterilized.
  • Small plants Vary colors, shapes and sizes that won’t outgrow the container. Opt for plants that like similar climates.
  • Flair Make it fun by adding moss, decorative rocks or pebbles, décor, shells, tiny pine cones, ceramic animals or a garden gnome.


  • Place an inch of rocks on the bottom. This allows drainage.
  • Layer a half inch of charcoal.
  • Fill the container midway with potting soil.
  • Plant your plants. Tease out the roots and space plants with room to breathe. Gently pat down the soil to keep them stable.
  • Add decorative pebbles, shells, pine cones and other details so it looks like a little garden world.
  • Water the plants, but not too much.
  • Set in indirect sunlight.

We hope you enjoyed this step-by-step guide to building a terrarium garden! Want to have more natural fun with your kids? Try building a pollinator drinking station, or drawing inspiration from these outdoor activities to do with your kids!

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